Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ranting and Raving :/

Warning! This is a rant! I'm so sorry to purge on here. I usually try to be so upbeat and positive but I just have to get this out!

What a crazy week and we've only been back for two days!!!! So far this week we were sent our new lesson plans. They are crazy! I have been working on them for two hours now and I'm not even half way done! Yikes! Does anybody else have lesson plans that take this long? I feel like I'm back in college writing out 15 page plans all over again! Yikes! We were also told last week that due to the fact that we were forced to add and extra hour and half onto the day and people need to get paid that we are not getting any math supplies this year. But we can photo copy anything/as much as we want. With that being said, we were also told that we are only being given one ream of paper a month. Hmmmmmm! 

This week we were informed that also due to people needing to get paid for all of this extra time we have no money left for our grade levels to order supplies. Bye bye pencils, paper, markers, etc. To top it all off nobody ordered any lamination for the machine so we can't laminate anything :(