Friday, August 30, 2013

First Week

Well we've been in school for a little over a week now. Lots has happened! This year our district decided we needed a longer school year (Started on Aug. 21) and a longer school day (7:45-3:30)! Not only has the time been a "wonderful" help in kicking off the school year it's been close to 90 degrees outside every day! My kiddos are melting by the end of the day! Which means they're also whinny and not willing to do much of anything including play. It's so sad to watch them in the afternoons! On a brighter kids, in the morning, are wonderful! They love to listen to stories, follow directions as much as one can hope for, and they are super funny....shhhhhh don't tell them that! We've done one listening activity that was cut and paste. I know, I know. I hate them too! But I needed to see if they were able to use scissors and didn't want to find out in the middle of a big, wonderful, fun project. Anyways, they did great! They cut wonderfully annnnnnd there were no scraps of paper on the floor!!!! My custodian didn't believe me when I told him we used scissors today! 

With all the busy beginning of the year happenings I wasn't able to post! But I did set up my own TPT account! So exciting I know! I have my first product posted! It's not as bright and colorful as I had hoped but it's still my FIRST PRODUCT! Now I just need to learn how to create my own backgrounds, clip art, and fonts! It seems kinda hard but I'm determined to figure it out! Please go check out my first product!

I'd like to thank Miss Stanford for her backgrounds and tutorials on how to create products. Please make sure to check out her blog! It is fabulous! You can find her blog here

I'd also like to thank Michelle from Well, Michelle?!?! for linking me up with multiple tutorials!  Including to Ms. Fultz's tutorial on how to lock PDFs. So helpful! You can find the tutorials here!

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